Our Last Picture Together June 2015 |
The months leading up to Hunter's passing I felt deep down that something life altering was about to happen. My soul was very unsettled, as if preparing for whatever badness was heading our way. I remember praying that last week I had Hunter, saying "God PLEASE let it be me and not one of them". Looking back now I can see the signs were all there, but for the life of me I couldn't believe that anything would ever happen to one of my children.
Hunter and I would take long drives together, cranking up the music. We would sing, we would talk and we would sing some more. I cherished every opportunity I had to spend with him. Our last few drives were filled with him talking about his life. He began talking about how he was absolutely in love with life. He felt God had truly blessed him, and he was so appreciative for the chance to get to live that life. He began to introduce new songs to me, some of them he even mentioned that "if I ever die I want this played at my funeral". When he talked of his death like this I always tried to change the conversation, but one day he stopped me and said "I'm not afraid to die, Mom. I know where I'm going and if I were to die today I would have no regrets." No matter how he tried to assure me, I just couldn't get comfortable with those conversations......
He was with me the final week before he passed away. On several occasions I remember asking him if he was okay. He seemed overly tired (though he never complained) and had a little bit of a cough, but nothing stood out as an immediate sign that he was sick. The last night I had them he and I sat on the couch for a few hours, simply sitting there with his arm around me and my head on his shoulder. At several points I knew I needed to get up and do something, but I just couldn't leave his side.
The last day I had them, as we drove to meet Lance, I looked at Hunter and with tears in my eyes I looked at him and said "Hunter, PLEASE tell me that you know how much I love you. I need to know that you KNOW how much I love you and that you never doubt that". His response...."Mom, you don't need to tell me, I already know." It should bring me peace that he knew, but I had no idea that would be the last time I was able to tell him how much I loved him. I had no idea that it would be the last time I would get to hug and tell him goodbye. I had no idea that night that I would never see my son alive again.....I think Hunter knew as well that something was going on as he repeatedly came over to me (5 times to be exact) to give me a goodbye hug and tell me he loved me......it almost seemed as if he didn't want to let me go.
Looking back now the signs were all there. After putting the pieces together I feel I should have taken him to have him evaluated or checked. I should have recognized that SOMETHING was wrong, even though I had no clue as to what. I should have been over protective and over reactive, but I wasn't. As his mother a part of me will ALWAYS feel guilty for not doing more. If I had done more maybe my son would still be alive today......
The harsh, cold truth is that I didn't act, and he is no longer here. I will never be able to go back and change things. I will never get another opportunity take care of my son. I could easily be lost in the "what if's" and allow the guilt to eat away at me until I am no more. It would be so much easier to allow the darkness to consume the light, the cold consume all warmth. It would be easier to lay it all down and simply say "I can't do this anymore".......but then I look around and see the impact he had on others. I see how he spread unconditional love around to all, not just friend or family, he loved even a stranger. Since he passed I have witnessed first hand just how special my son was and how strong his testimony was. At his funeral alone there were 15+ souls saved and countless others since. In his 15 short years on this Earth he accomplished more than most would in a full lifetime. His story is one that will continue to touch others as the years pass by.....his story is one that will keep fueling me with what's needed to carry on. For that reason alone I CANNOT get lost in the darkness. For that reason alone I will continue to look for his light.......shine on, Hunter, shine on.......